The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

pray together
Will you pray with us? May God grant wisdom, mend brokenness, restore hope and reveal Himself to a world who has marred His image.
to Your Community
We believe that the pureHOPE message is best told person-to-person. Whether it be a church, school, community event or conference, we equip groups large and small with Biblical teaching on identity, purity, sexuality and technology. When you gather your community, you are inviting them into ours! At no cost to you, we are available to minister and serve families around the world.
Corporate sponsorship is important for pureHOPE as it provides vital funding, exposure, partnerships, credibility, and long-term relationships that are crucial for the ministry’s growth and success. We value our alliances with corporations dedicated to investing in arming families to navigate our sexualized culture.
Opportunities Include:
- Tailored Partnerships
- Be Featured on pureHOPE Resources & Website
- Event Sponsorships
Contact us and we can discuss the best fit for your corporation and the opportunities pureHOPE has available.
Have a special skill? There are many ways to get involved with pureHOPE’s mission. If you would like to learn more, contact us to discuss how you can use your talents to grow our reach.
There are so many different ways to use your gifts:
- Host a fundraiser
- Join the advisory board
- Assist with grant writing
- Join the photography/videography team