Battle Ready

Battle Ready

“I may never march in the infantry…ride in the cavalry…shoot the artillery, I may never fly o’er the enemy…but I’m in the Lord’s army!”

Do you remember this old song? 

It’s currently on repeat in our house because our little boy is obsessed with it. 

(And, you’re welcome for bringing the tune to memory, so it can replay in your head the rest of the week!)

The other day I stood back, watching: as the song began to play, he stood to attention and started marching along to the beat—beaming with pride and grinning from ear to ear. I usually just sing along with him, but on this particular day, the Word of God fell heavily into the responsibility ‘chamber’ of my heart…

Train up a child. (Proverbs 22:6)

Bring them up in discipline and instruction. (Ephesians 6:4)

Sounds a bit like words used to describe basic training for the military—train, discipline, instruct—but why wouldn’t it sound that way? 

You have been entrusted with a ‘heritage from the LORD’ (Psalm 127:3), responsible for training a member of the Lord’s army for daily battle in enemy territory. 

As school starts back and you breathe a sigh of relief to have your days back in routine, now is not the time to sit back and let someone else fulfill your call.  

It’s not the teacher’s job. It’s not the coach’s job. It’s not the friend’s job. It’s not the pastor’s job. 

It is yours.

Psalm 127:4 says a child to a parent is like an ‘arrow in the hand of a warrior.’ It’s so tempting to look at my sweet, innocent little boy and want to wrap him in bubble wrap to protect him from the battle out there, but a dull arrow is of no threat. 

So, instead, we must get to work—the daily work of sharpening the arrows we’ve been given, and the rigorous process of training and preparing a member of the Lord’s army.

May the Lord give you strength, wisdom, and the fortitude you need to parent in the way He has called you to.

And may the enemy fear the ‘battle-ready’ arrow(s) in your hand.